These Policy Documents, which are written in order to determine the framework of the responsibilities and standards of behavior of Refugee Rights Turkey towards all stakeholders with whom it interacts during its activities, especially affected populations, and to regulate the rules and values that the staff of the institution must comply with in order to maintain the required standards of conduct and to avoid misconduct, are given below. The principles contained in these policy documents should be considered as the reflection of our institution's ethical values and professionalism principles on our conduct, and they are a declaration of the value we attach to maintaining the standards of integrity and professionalism to the people we serve and the public.

  1. RRT Code of Conduct
  2. RRT Accountability to Affected Population Framework
  3. RRT Feedback and Complaints Policy
  4. RRT Child Safeguarding Policy
  5. RRT Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Policy
  6. RRT Anti-Corruption and Conflict of Interest Policy
  7. RRT Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy