On 28 June 2015 Refugee Rights Turkey held a 1-day specialization seminar for lawyers in Ankara in collaboration with the Refugee Rights Committee of the Ankara Bar Association. The event focused on legal concepts and implementation matters concerning the identification and treatment of particularly vulnerable asylum seekers.
The seminar program covered definitions and procedures pertaining to ‘unaccompanied minors’ and ‘persons with special needs’ within the scope of Turkey’s temporary protection regime in place for refugees from Syria and the international protection procedure that applies to other nationalities of individually arriving protection seekers, as well as applicable international and European standards.
Angelina van Kampen of Dutch Council for Refugees contributed to the Seminar with a presentation and discussion on EU standards and ECtHR caselaw that informs the treatment of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers and persons with special needs in EU member states.
Refugee Rights Turkey will continue to support ongoing efforts by Ankara Bar Association and other bar associations around Turkey aiming to mobilize the extension of free legal aid services to protection seekers from Syria and other countries.