Our Work for Lawyers and NGO Professionals

Refugee Rights Türkiye (RRT) offers a range of trainings and seminars to lawyers and NGO legal practitioners in different parts of Türkiye often in collaboration with provincial bar associations. We also generate and disseminate various legal reference and learning materials for lawyers in Turkish and offer case-support services to lawyers and NGO practitioners.

If you are a Turkish-speaking lawyer or NGO legal practitioner looking to learn about and keep up to date with Turkish asylum and immigration law :

  • You can consult the Turkish version of our website to see the full profile of our reference materials and expertise support services made available by RRT for lawyers and NGO practitioners in Türkiye. You can also visit our dedicated website for lawyers “Avukatlar İçin Mülteci Hukuku Bilgi Platformu” (Refugee Law Information Platform for Lawyers) at http://multecihukuku.net .
  • You can also browse our comprehensive range of legal information materials for asylum seekers and migrants via our dedicated “Legal Information Portal for Refugees in Türkiye” website at http://multecihaklari.info , which can be browsed in English, Farsi and Arabic in addition to Turkish.
  • You can also consult the Publications section of our website to access our legal information materials for asylum seekers and migrants, which we make available in English and principal refugee/migrant languages in addition to Turkish.
  • You can subscribe to our “Asylum Law Bulletin”, which provides periodic updates on key legislative and policy developments and recent case law from Turkish courts, ECtHR, and UN treaty mechanisms, by sending an email to [email protected] .

Helpdesk for Lawyers

You can reach out to our “Helpdesk for Lawyers” for advice on specific cases that you assist and/or represent by sending an email to [email protected].

If you are a lawyer or NGO legal practitioner outside Türkiye looking for advice or assistance  in connection with an asylum seeker or detained migrant in Türkiye :

You are encouraged to get in touch with us by email at [email protected].