Our Supporters

We would like to express our gratitude to all supporters of our work who, thanks to the funds they granted to us, enabled us to pursue our mission of improving refugees’ and vulnerable migrants’ access to rights and services in Türkiye.

Current donors:

US State Department Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM)
European Union Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO)
United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
Fund for Global Human Rights
Heinrich Böll Stiftung Türkiye Office
Sigrid Rausing Trust

Past donors for completed projects:

US State Department Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM)
German Consulate General, İstanbul
European Union Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO)
European Union Türkiye Delegation, European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)
Dutch Council for Refugees (DCR)
Fund for Global Human Rights
Heinrich Böll Stiftung Türkiye Office
Swiss Embassy, Ankara
Swiss Federal Foreign Affairs Office
Sigrid Rausing Trust
Tent Foundation