Refugee Rights Turkey held a comprehensive Refugee Law Training for Lawyers in the city of Gaziantep in Southeast Turkey on 13-14 June, in collaboration with the local bar association.
Gaziantep by the Syria border currently hosts over 300 000 refugees from Syria in addition to smaller numbers of Iraqi and Afghan protection seekers. The two-day introductory training aimed to assist the efforts of the local bar association towards building expertise and capacity to extend legal aid services to asylum seekers resident in Gaziantep.
The two-day training entailed presentations on basic concepts of international protection, Turkey’s new domestic law framework and procedures for asylum in the context of the new Law on Foreigners and International Protection and new legal remedies introduced by the new Law and litigation strategies, among other. The training event was organized in the framework of a comprehensive project implemented by RRT in affiliation with partner organization Refugee Solidarity Network. The Dutch Council of Refugees also provides expertise and additional financial support to the project.