RRT, in collaboration with American partner organization RSN launches a new dedicated website for Turkish lawyers. The website makes available to Turkish lawyers and NGO legal practitioners a comprehensive compilation of international standards, domestic legislation, sample administrative documents and decisions, and other reference materials. The website aims to support and guide practicing lawyers to acquire and enhance specialized expertise in Turkish asylum and immigration law and procedures.
The « Avukatlar İçin Mülteci Hukuku Bilgi Platformu » (Refugee Law Information Platform for Lawyers) website is a joint RRT-RSN output, and builds on the two partner organization’s close collaboration since 2015 to promote rights-based approaches protection of refugees and other vulnerable migrants in Turkey, including efforts to strengthen the country-wide availability and quality of free of charge legal assistance and representation services for these vulnerable groups. The RRT-RSN collaboration process over the past 6 years saw RRT deliver trainings for lawyers and NGO legal practitioners all over Turkey, contribute to efforts in mobilizing Turkey’s state-funded legal aid scheme (Adli Yardım) for asylum seekers and migrants, and produce various legal reference materials for lawyers. Since 2017 RRT and RSN have also been jointly undertaking efforts to promote pro bono partnerships between NGOs and law firms as a way to generate addition supply of legal services for asylum seekers and migrants in Turkey.
In the coming period, RRT and RSN plan to further develop the new multecihukuku.net website with additional content for Turkish lawyers and NGO legal practitioners. The website was developed in the framework of a project implemented by RRT and RSN with funding support from US State Department Bureau for Population Refugees and Migration (PRM).