RRT launches new project with ECHO and DRC support

Refugee Rights Turkey (RRT) launches a new 12-month project in partnership with Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Turkey Office and with funding support from ECHO. The project will channel funds to complement and strengthen RRT’s already existing legal information and assistance services for persons in immigration detention and RRT’s efforts to support Turkish lawyers acquire specialized expertise in return and immigration detention procedures.

RRT had previously implemented three consecutive, similarly ECHO-funded cooperation projects with DRC Turkey, which ran from 15 June through 31 December 2016, from 1 January 2017 through 31 December 2018, and from 1 April 2019 through 30 September 2020 respectively. These successfully completed projects had enabled RRT to further strengthen legal counselling and assistance services offered to persons subject to administrative detention in removal centers and other places of immigration detention across Turkey, generate information booklets for migrants and asylum seekers on « Rights in Immigration Detention » made available in 6 languages, and launch national advocacy program towards ATDs in collaboration with International Detention Coalition (IDC), including the publication of the Turkish translation of IDC’s There are Alternatives Handbook on ATDs. The newly launched project will supply RRT with resources to continue offering crucial independent legal information and assistance services to persons in immigration detention. In addition, the project will also see RRT deliver a comprehensive specialization training for Turkish lawyers and NGO legal practitioners on legal and practical aspects of administrative and judicial procedures pertaining to returns, immigration detention and ATDs.
