RRT initiates comprehensive new project with long-term partner Refugee Solidarity Network

As of December 1st, Refugee Rights Turkey (RRT) has initiated the implementation of a comprehensive new legal aid and asylum capacity-building project, in affiliation with American partner organization Refugee Solidarity Network (RSN) and with funding support from the US State Department Population, Refugees and Migration Bureau (PRM).  The new project builds on two preceding RRT-RSN cooperation projects successfully completed from 2015 through 2019.

In the framework of the new project, over the next 21 months, RRT will continue to deliver a range of legal counselling and assistance services to both Syrian and non-Syrian asylum seekers, and seminars on asylum law addressed to lawyers and NGO practitioners across Turkey. The project will also enable RRT to generate a new up to date range of legal information and reference materials for refugees, lawyers and other assistance providers. RRT and RSN will also continue efforts to encourage and support new policy thinking among key stakeholders in Turkey concerning ways to strengthen the overall supply and quality of free legal representation to asylum seekers and other vulnerable migrants.

Refugee Solidarity Network, RRT’s partner organization, is an American non-profit based in New York. RSN aims to promote rights-based approaches and legal aid capacity-building in Turkey as well as other countries in the Global South struggling to cope with large refugee populations and complex migration flows.
