Refugee Law Training in Hatay

On 7-8 December 2019, Refugee Rights Turkey held a 2-day specialization seminar for lawyers in Southern Turkish city of Hatay by the Syria border in partnership with the local bar association. The seminar covered both theoretical and practical aspects of asylum and return procedures in Turkey as well as discussions on applicable remedies and case law.

The seminar saw RRT experts deliver sessions on Turkey’s dual asylum procedures for refugees from Syria and asylum seekers from other countries of origin respectively as well as return procedures. The presentations also touched upon on applicable remedies and accumulated case law before both domestic courts and the European Court of Human Rights as relevant. The training also included a dedicated session on the use of Turkish Constitutional Court’s Individual Complaint Mechanism in cases involving imminent risk of deportation from Turkey.

Refugee Rights Turkey will continue to collaborate with local bar associations across Turkey with a view to strengtening refugee law expertise of lawyers around the country and enhancing the quality and effectiveness of free of charge legal representation services provided to asylum seekers and detained migrants by the state-funded Legal Aid Scheme (Adli Yardım) administered by bar associations.
