As part of Turkey-wide COVID-19 mitigation measures, as from 17 March 2020 RRT legal assistance services are being continued from outside office premises. Our General Legal Assistance Helpdesk and Detention Helpdesk remain operational. Our legal counseling interviews and other legal assistance interventions are also continued. This temporary arrangement will remain in place until further assessment regarding Covid-19 mitigation measures.
1-Asylum seekers and migrants interested to reach out to our legal assistance services can continue to contact us, as before, every day from Monday through Friday, from 10 am to 5 pm, by following the contact instructions below.
RRT General Legal Assistance Helpdesk :
For Arabic, English and French calls : 0549 510 52 02
For Farsi and Turkish calls : 0549 510 52 03
For legal questions and requests for assistance via email : [email protected]
RRT Detention Helpdesk :
For requests and referrals regarding detention cases only : 0507 218 62 85
For detention-related referrals and requests via email : [email protected]
2-Due to the high traffic anticipated on our new remote telephone lines;
NGOs, lawyers and other referral actors who wish to relay requests for advice or assistance on cases are kindly asked to contact us by email at : [email protected]