RRT begins cooperation with Zeytinburnu Municipality for legal empowerment sessions

RRT begins cooperation with Zeytinburnu Distinct Municipality in Istanbul to conduct weekly legal empowerment sessions for refugees and asylum seekers resident in the district. The sessions will be targeted towards various communities and profiles and offer legal information and advice on asylum procedures and access to basic rights and services including education, healthcare and income-earning opportunities.

The first RRT legal empowerment session in collaboration with Zeytinburnu Municipality was held on April 13th. Zeytinburnu is one of the most populous districts of Istanbul. It is also the home to significant number of asylum seekers and refugees, including those from Afghanistan and Syria. Zeytinburnu Municipality runs social programs for refugees in the district. RRT’s legal empowerment are intended to serve the beneficiaries of the Municipality’s own social service programs. The sessions will also allow RRT staff to identify persons who may be in need of more advanced legal assistance interventions and follow-up action.
