Istanbul Workshop on “Alternatives to Detention”

On April 14th 2018 RRT held an international workshop in Istanbul on the potentials and challenges of implementing “Alternatives to Detention” (ATDs) in the Turkey context, in collaboration with IDC and European ATD Network.

RRT put together the event in collaboration with Interantional Detention Coalition (IDC), which promotes the use of ATDs by governments around the world and the European ATD Network, a new initiative of NGOs piloting and promoting ATD implementation models in various EU Member States. The workshop, attended by representatives of bar associations around Turkey, NGOs, UNHCR and IOM, aimed to equip participants with an introductory understanding of the ATD concept, states’ legal obligation to consider and implement ATDs in migration management and successful implementation models in different countries with a view to launching a dedicated policy discussion in Turkey on ATDs. The workshop also looked at 3 country studies, the UK, Bulgaria and Mexico, with examples of recent successful pilot ATD projects.

The event was organized by RRT in the framework of a project partnership with Danish Refugee Council with ECHO funding. RRT has recently also launched the Turkish translation of IDC’s “There are Alternatives” Handbook intended as a valuable reference resource for Turkey’s migration policy makers going forward.
