On 26 April 2018, RRT held a 1-day training in Mardin in Southeast Turkey for local lawyers and NGO practitioners. The seminar covered issues and questions related to the Turkish asylum system, the temporary protection regime in place for refugees from Syria, and work permit applications on asylum seekers.
Mardin in Southeast Turkey hosts a significant Syrian refugee population. The event was organized in collaboration with the Mardin Women’s Cooperation Association (MOKİD) and was attended by lawyers from Mardin bar association as well as representatives of 8 local NGOs providing services to refugees and asylum seekers. Presentations by RRT experts were followed by questions and answers reflecting on specific aspects of the Mardin context in relation to procedural practices and difficulties encountered in work permit processing.
This seminar was organized in the framework of a project implemented by RRT with the financial backing of US State Department Bureau for Population Refugees and Migration (PRM).