New RRT Publication: “In their Own Voices: Unaccompanied Minors in Turkey”

RRT launches a new publication: “In their Own Voices: Unaccompanied Minors in Turkey”, in Turkish and English. The publication presents testimonies of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers in Turkey reflecting their experiences, challenges and aspirations.

As per relevant provisions of Turkey’s Law on Foreigners and International Protection and child protection legislation, unaccompanied minors identified by authorities in Turkey are placed in state-run shelters under the authority of Ministry of Family and Social Policy, while their migration procedures are administered by the Directorate General of Migration Management. RRT has been providing legal information and assistance services to unaccompanied minor asylum seekers hosted in state-run shelters in Istanbul for many years. This publication is based on interviews conducted by RRT staff with unaccompanied minors about their experiences both prior and after arrival in Turkey.  It aims to strengthen understanding and commitment on the part of both policy makers and public opinion regarding the protection and care needs of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers in Turkey and encourage steps to address issues and problems that cut across the minors’ testimonies.

All information presented in the publication was duly anonymised. The publication also presents photographic art work by one of the minors who participated in this project.

The publication was developed in the framework of a project supported by the Embassy of Switzerland in Ankara. The project aims to strengthen awareness and sensitivity for unaccompanied minors in Turkey and contribute to national policy making in this field. It can accessed online via the Publications section of our website. For free of charge print copies you can contact us at [email protected].
