RRT begins cooperation with Turkish Red Crescent for legal empowerment sessions in Ankara

RRT begins cooperation with Turkish Red Crescent (TRC) Community Center in Ankara to conduct weekly legal empowerment sessions for refugees and asylum seekers benefitting from the Center’s psychosocial services. To kick off this joint effort an introductory training was delivered by RRT to TRC Community Center staff on June 1st to increase awareness and understanding on the  basic legal framework and procedures applying to refugees and asylum seekers in Turkey.

TRC’s Community Center in the Altındağ District of Ankara caters to mostly Syrian refugee population in the locality. It provides a range of psychosocial assistance services to refugee beneficiaries. The legal empowerment sessions to be conducted by RRT, in collaboration with local lawyers previously trained by RRT, will offer information and advice on asylum procedures and access to basic rights and services. They will also serve to identify persons who may be in need of more advanced legal assistance interventions and follow-up action.

The local lawyers who will contribute to the TRC legal empowerment sessions were trained and recruited in the framework of RRT’s  ongoing strong cooperation with Ankara bar association. 
