Seminar on “Litigation for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of Refugees”

As Refugee Rights Turkey, we are organizing an online seminar on July 16th, 2020 between 2 pm and 4 pm (GMT + 03.00) with the participation of the experienced lawyer Massimo Frigo from Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists (“ICJ”). In this seminar, titled as “Litigation for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of Refugees”, we will be discussing some of the exemplary cases decided by ECtHR and various UN treaty bodies, as well as principles underlined in these cases, regarding refugees’ economic, social and cultural rights – a group of rights that are less frequently address but are undoubtedly very essential and critical.

Please note that the seminar will be bilingual with simultaneous interpretation provided in English and Turkish; and you can register here for participation. This seminar is open for all interested individuals and participation is for free.
