Seminar on “Applying to UN Treaty Bodies in regards to the Protection of Refugees”

As Refugee Rights Turkey, we are organizing an online seminar on July 9th, 2020 between 2 pm and 4 pm (Istanbul) with the participation of the experienced lawyer Massimo Frigo from Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists (“ICJ”). In this seminar, titled as “Applying to UN Treaty Bodies in regards to the Protection of Refugees”, we will be discussing different UN treaty mechanisms and the potentials they possess for the use of refugee rights advocates in Turkey and beyond. To this purpose, we will listen to Massimo Frigo, an expert who has extensive knowledge and practice regarding the admissibility rules, strategies and caselaw concerning these treaty bodies including Human Rights Committee, Committee Against Torture, Committee fort he Rights of Children, and Committee on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. Please note that the seminar will be bilingual with simultaneous interpretation in English and Turkish and you can register here. This seminar is open for all interested individuals and the participation is for free.
