RSN RRT Seminar Series

In collaboration with US partner organization Refugee Solidarity Network (RSN), Refugee Rights Turkey (RRT) is going to organize an “Afghanistan Country of Origin Information Seminar Series” which will focus on the updated security and human rights situation in Afghanistan. Foreign experts known for their work in the field will make presentations in the seminars that will respectively take place on January 12th, January 26th, and February 9th between 07.00 pm and 08.30 pm (GMT+3).

The first session of the series will be held on Thursday, January 12th, between 07.00 PM – 08.30 PM with the title “Historical Background and General Security Situation in Afghanistan”.

The second session titled “The Situation Facing Women and Girls in Afghanistan” will take place on Thursday, January 26th, between  07.00 PM – 08.30 PM and the updated risks faced by women and girls as a result of the current developments in the country will be examined.

Being titled “The Situation Facing Ethnic and Religious Minorities in Afghanistan” the third and last session, which will take place on Thursday, February 9th, between 07.00 PM – 08.30 PM will cover information about the risks faced by ethnic and religious minorities in the country.

Our online seminars, where simultaneous interpretation services (Turkish and English) will be provided, are open to the participation of all interested individuals

For registration, you can scan the QR codes on the poster with your phone or access the registration form via the link below.

Registration Link:
