Refugee Law Training for Lawyers: “Rights and Legal Safeguards Provided to Persons Seeking Protection in Turkey within the Framework of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection (YUKK) No. 6458”

As Refugee Rights Turkey, we organized refugee law training for lawyers affiliated with Van Bar Association on 14th January 2023 called “Rights and Legal Safeguards Provided to Persons Seeking Protection in Turkey within the Framework of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection (YUKK) No. 6458”

During the one-day training with the participation of more than 180 lawyers from the Van Bar Association, “Basic Concepts in Refugee Law” “International Protection Procedure and Objection to Negative Status Decisions” and “Deportation Procedure Under YUKK, Administrative Surveillance, Administrative Services” were discussed with the faciliatiton of Refugee Rights Turkey experts. Alternative Measures to Oversight and Objection Ways” were discussed. Following the presentations, case studies were prepared following the frequently encountered problems in Van, and solution suggestions for the problems encountered in the field were discussed. The day ended with a Q&A session.

Due to its location, Van is one of the critical provinces in terms of irregular migration route of individuals. This seminar, which was held in cooperation with the Refugee Rights Turkey and Van Bar Association Immigration and Asylum Commission, was aimed to support the knowledge and experience of local lawyers theoretically and practically to meet the increasing supply of legal support in Van.
