RRT launches a dedicated “Detention Hotline and Help Desk” as of July 2016 to make our legal counseling and assistance services more accessible to persons in immigration detention as well as lawyers and NGO practitioners seeking to assist detainees. The Hotline can be reached at: 0507 218 62 85, and will serve Turkish, English, Arabic, Farsi speakers all week days from 10 am till 6 pm. Legal counselling via interpretation in other languages will be arranged on scheduled days.
RRT’s new Detention Hotline and Help Desk service seeks to provide detainees with accurate and reliable legal advice, and allow RRT detention legal assistance team to identify individuals in need of further legal support – including by means of site visits to removal centers and possibly resort to judicial remedies where necessary. RRT Detention Hotline and Help Desk activities are implemented in the framework of the project recenly launched by RRT in affiliation with Danish Refugee Council and funding support by the EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Directorate-General (ECHO).