Refugee Rights Turkey launches a new project, in partnership with Danish Refugee Council (DRC), aiming to boost RRT’s ongoing legal assistance activities directed towards asylum seekers and other vulnerable migrants held in immigration detention.
The project, enabled by a funding stream provided by the EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Directorate-General (ECHO), will allow RRT to expand existing Rights in Detention Program activities, including by means of a dedicated Detention Hotline and Helpdesk for detainees as well as lawyers and NGO practitioners who assist persons in immigration detention facilities. The project will also see RRT deliver legal empowerment sessions for groups at risk of immigration detention, produce and disseminate of a new legal information booklet on “rights in detention”, and undertake policy advocacy efforts specifically seeking to promote alternatives to detention in Turkey context. The initially agreed first-phase of the partnership framework between RRT and Danish Refugee Council envisions an intensive schedule of activities through 31 December 2016.