Refugee Rights Turkey and our American partner organization Refugee Solidarity Network (RSN) launch two brand new animated legal information videos for Syrian refugees in Turkey. The videos are spoken in Arabic, with English and Turkish subtitle options, and are accessible via YOUTUBE.
Since early this year, RRT and RSN have been working on a series of animation videos aiming to illustrate various aspects of the temporary protection system in Turkey for refugees from Syria.
The first of the two videos launched today covers the procedures pertaining to registration for temporary protection status in Turkey in two parts. To see the video, please click below:
The second video launched today illustrates the procedures for the registration of Syrian refugee children born in Turkey. To see the video, please click below:
The videos were conceived and developed by RSN and RRT to serve as easily accessible, practical information tools in the framework of the project currently implemented by RRT in partnership with RSN. RRT and RSN aim to launch additional information videos for Syrian refugees and others in the coming period.