Refugee Law Seminar for Lawyers in Istanbul

Refugee Rights Turkey held an introductory refugee law training on 17 June 2017 for a group of Istanbul-based lawyers. The 1-day seminar entailed presentations on procedures, safeguards and remedies provided under Turkey’s domestic legislation to both Syrian and non-Syrian asylum seekers.

The majority of the participants were young lawyers who have recently started practicing and are keen to acquire specialized expertise in the field of asylum law. The seminar was organized in the framework of the project currently implemented by RRT in affiliation with Refugee Solidarity Network.

RRT also regularly contributes to trainings organized by the Istanbul Bar Association and seeks to support efforts to increase the quality and supply of legal representation available to asylum seekers and migrants in Istanbul area.Istanbul currently hosts over half-a-million registered asylum seekers, and also serves as a key migration hub for irregular onward migratory movements in the direction of the EU.
