Refugee Rights Turkey/ECRE publish comprehensive report on Turkey asylum system

On 28 December 2015, Refugee Rights Turkey published a comprehensive report in English on the Turkish asylum system within the framework of the ECRE-led Asylum Information Database (AIDA) Project, which provides comparative analysis of national asylum systems in 18 European countries.

The Asylum Information Database (AIDA) project is an initiative by refugee rights advocacy NGOs from 16 EU member states and 2 non-EU European countries under the leadership of ECRE (European Council on Refugees and Exiles). Project partners deliver detailed country reports analyzing the national asylum systems of countries within the scope of the initiative – with a particular focus on the structure and functioning of the asylum procedures, reception conditions for asylum seekers and use of administrative detention in the framework of asylum procedures. The project aims to provide comparative data and analysis on asylum systems in European countries with a view to identifying protection gaps and good practices and thereby empowering advocacy activities aiming to improve the quality of asylum in Europe. The AIDA country reports, the annual and thematic reports created within the framework of the project as well as the AIDA electronic databased can be reached at:

The AIDA Project was kicked off in 2012. In 2015 Turkey was brought within the scope of the project and Refugee Rights Turkey joined up the initiative as the AIDA partner organization in Turkey. The extended second version of the AIDA Turkey country report was published in December 2015. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the Turkish asylum system in its current shape, which consists of a temporary protection regime in place for the mass influx of refugees from Syria in addition to the separate international protection procedure that applies to individually arriving asylum seekers from other countries of origin – most principally from Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran among other.

While the first version of the AIDA Turkey country report was launched in May 2015, this extended and up to date second version of the report published in December 2015 features a brand new introductory chapter as well as major elaborations and updates to the two susbtantive chapters on the “international protection” procedure for non-Syrian asylum seekers and the “temporary protection” regime for Syrians. The report can be accessed via the Publications section of our website.
