Refugee Rights Turkey held legal counselling and consultation visits to Isparta and Burdur in South Western Turkey on 11 through 14 December. Isparta and Burdur are two provinces that host significant populations of Somali and Afghan asylum seekers, among others, in addition to relatively smaller numbers of Syrian refugees.
In subsequent group counselling sessions organized in Somali and Farsi in both cities, RRT legal advisors provided information about the new asylum procedures administered by Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) and rights and obligations of asylum seekers under Turkey’s new Law on Foreigners and International Protection, which came into force in April 2014. Our legal advisors have also answered asylum seekers’ questions about the UNHCR refugee status determination and resettlement procedures in Turkey.
On the ocassion of the visits to Isparta and Burdur, RRT also held consultation meetings with the Provincial DGMM Directorates and bar associations in the two cities with a view to discuss and exchange about services available for asylum seekers, gaps and needs.