RRT and our American partner organization Refugee Solidarity Network (RSN) launch a new web-based legal information portal for refugees and asylum seekers in Turkey. The website, initially made accessible in Arabic, Farsi, Turkish and English, offers comprehensive legal information and video materials for both Syrian and non-Syrian asylum seekers organized around 7 topics.
The web-based information portal can be reached at: https://multecihaklari.info and/or https://refugeerights.info. The website provides a comprehensive range of legal information both for refugees from Syria subject to Turkey’s “temporary protection” regime and asylum seekers from other countries of origin subject to Turkey’s “international protection” procedure. It was jointly developed by RRT and RSN for the purpose of offering accurate and up-to-date legal information for those seeking to understand the rights, procedures and obligations applicable to persons seeking asylum in Turkey. All information content on the website was developed by RRT in the framework of a project partnership with RSN, with the financial support of the US State Department Bureau for Population Refugees and Migration (PRM).
The portal was initially made accessible to refugees in Arabic, Farsi, Turkish and English. It offers detailed legal information and guidance presented in questions and answers format as well as infographics and animation videos. The website currently covers the following 7 thematic subjects: registration and status, education, healthcare, access to labor market, marriage and divorce, housing and property, and legal aid services in Turkey.
RRT and RSN plan to make the portal accesible in more refugee languages and post additional information content going forward, in addition to continued updates on existing materials in light of changes in legislation or implementation.