Our new legal information booklets covering 3 new topics now available in 4 languages

We have launched new legal information booklets for refugees and service providers, covering rights and procedures about « Access to State-funded Legal Aid Services », « Marriage and Divorce » and « Rent and Property » for asylum seekers in Turkey. Our new information booklets are made available in Arabic, Farsi, Turkish and English.

Our information booklets aim to provide accurate and up to date guidance based on legislation and practice to both asylum seekers and service providers in Turkey on a comprehensive range of topics. You can browse through our information booklets, including the above mentioned new series launched this month, at the PUBLICATONS section of our website. NGO service providers across Turkey are welcome to get in touch with us at [email protected] to receive free of charge print copies in larger quantities for purposes of distribution and dissemination to beneficiaries.

Information provided in our information booklets can also be accessed via our newly launched « Online Information Portal for Refugees in Turkey » at https://multecihaklari.info veya https://refugeerights.info.
