Our new information videos for refugees are online!

RRT and American partner organization Refugee Solidarity Network (RSN) launch 4 new animation videos for refugees and asylum seekers in Turkey. The new videos, made available in Turkish, English, Arabic and Farsi, cover housing and property rights, marriage and divorce, state-funded legal aid services administered by bar associations and RRT’s own specialized legal assistance services.

Through these videos RRT and RSN aim to offer accessible and reliable legal information to refugee and asylum seeker communities in Turkey. The legal information content for the videos was developed by RRT, while the animation design and development process was overseen by RSN in the United States. The videos were developed and made available in the framework of a project implemented by RRT in partnership with RSN with the financial backing of US State Department Bureau for Population Refugees and Migration (PRM).

RRT and RSN had previously developed similar information videos on a range of other topics. All RRT-RSN video materials can be accessed at the Publications section of our website or via the RRT-RSN youtube channel.
