RRT launches a new policy paper offering an assessment and recommendations on the current interpretation and implementation of the LFIP’s Article 7 governing the “implicit withdrawal of asylum applications”.
Since 2015 Turkey determines asylum applications on the basis of the newly adopted Law on Foreigners and International Protection (LFIP), which was largely based on EU migration and asylum standards. Among the new legal concepts and procedural approaches adopted by LFIP is the notion of “implicit withdrawal” of an asylum application deemed to have been demonstrated by and drawn from an applicant’s failure to comply with certain administrative requirements. Article 77 of the LFIP stipulates applicants who consistently faily to comply with certain administrative duties shall be considered to have withdrawn their application for international protection, as a result of which all processimg shall be stopped and the individual concerned will eventually find her/himself out of the asylum procedure, which may in turn lead to removal procedures to be initiated.
The new RRT policy paper evaluates the current practice on the part of Directorate General for Migration Management around Article 77 and identifies a number of issues in the way in which the criteria and procedural requirements of Article 77 are implemented in practice. The policy paper can be accessed in digital form via the Publications section of our website.
This publication was developed in the framework of an RRT project funded by Heinrich Böll Foundation Turkey.