Webinar: Childhood Statelessness in the Context of Migration under International Law: Legal Framework and Best Practices

As part of our collaboration with the European Network on Statelessness (ENS), an expert organization dedicated to the issue of statelessness, Refugee Rights Türkiye is hosting a webinar to examine the risk of child statelessness in the context of migration, from an international law perspective.
The seminar will be held on Friday, December 13, 2024 between 13.30-14.30.
The seminar will focus on childhood statelessness, a pressing issue affecting millions of children globally, particularly those born to refugees in host countries. Cameron Nye, Legal Policy Officer at the European Network on Statelessness (ENS), will outline the international legal framework addressing the risk of childhood statelessness in migration contexts, highlight international standards for its prevention, and present examples of effective solutions adopted in European countries.
The seminar will feature real-time translation in both Turkish and English.

We invite all interested individuals to join us. To register, please: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kfDwuW99Q1So7abaLC2kAA#/registration

*This event is supported by the generous contribution of the Sigrid Rausing Trust (SRT). The views and topics covered are solely those of Refugee Rights Türkiye (RRT) and do not represent the opinions of SRT.
