Study Visit to Germany on “Unaccompanied Minors”

On 9-14 September RRT held a study visit to Germany to learn about the procedures and institutional arrangements in place for the identification, protection and care of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers.

In the framework of a project currently implemented by RRT with the support of the Embassy of Switzerland, RRT is conducting a series of study visits to selected EU member states to examine aspects of the national protection systems in place in these countries relevant for the protection of unaccompanied minors with a view to drawing policy ideas and recommendations to inform Turkey’s efforts on this issue. The project aims to strengthen awareness and sensitivity for unaccompanied minors in Turkey and contribute to national policy making in this field.

The study visit to Germany entailed meetings and visits in Berlin, Göttingen and Frankfurt with relevant agencies and NGOs for the purpose of identifying good practices and policy or implementation approaches deemed to contain comparative value or insights for similar efforts in the Turkey context. In the coming months, RRT will have study visits of similar scope to the UK and Italy and plans to publish a report summarizing the observations and recommendations drawn from the visits.
