Refugee Rights Turkey launches a new set of legal information materials for non-Syrian asylum seekers in Turkey, who are subject to Turkey’s new “international protection procedure”. The brochures are made available in Turkish, English, Farsi, Arabic, French and Somali.
While Syrian nationals and Palestinian refugees from Syria are subject to a “temporary protection” regime in Turkey, asylum seekers from all other countries of origin are subject to the new “international protection procedure” on the basis of criteria and procedures laid down by the new Law on Foreigners and International Protection. Our new information brochures on rights and obligations of international protection applicants and are intended to serve as a learning and reference resource for both asylum seekers as well as lawyers and NGOs assisting them. The 4 legal information booklets cover topics related to registration, legal status, basic rights and obligations, access to healthcare, access to education, and access to legal employment. The 4-piece set is accessible via the Publications section of our website. Print copies are also distributed to refugees and NGO service providers around Turkey.
Earlier this month, RRT had launched a separate first set of information materials for refugees from Syria subject to the Government of Turkey’s temporary protection policy.