RRT – Danish Refugee Council partnership for “rights in detention” set to continue

As of January 1st 2017, Refugee Rights Turkey and Danish Refugee Council launch the second phase of the cooperation framework established between the two organizations last year with a focus on promoting access to legal protection for asylum seekers in immigration detention in Turkey. The new cooperation framework builds on the project partnership initiated by RRT and DRC back in May 2016, which served to strengthen RRT’s ongoing legal assistance activities directed towards asylum seekers and other vulnerable migrants subject to immigration detention in Turkey.

The new second-phase of the project partnership, as with the first-phase activities last year, are funded by EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Directorate-General (ECHO).  The new cooperation framework will continue to bolser RRT’s Rights in Detention Program activities, and support a range of legal information and assistance services for immigration detainees as well as lawyers and NGO practitioners seeking to assist detained individuals. RRT will also conduct a series of  legal empowerment sessions under the project for groups at risk of immigration detention, and will undertake policy advocacy efforts specifically seeking to promote alternatives to detention in Turkey context.
