Refugee Rights Turkey initiates new project with American partner RSN

As of March 2015, Refugee Rights Turkey initiates a comprehensive legal assistance and capacity-building project in collaboration with American partner organization Refugee Solidarity Network (RSN). The project is being funded by U.S. State Department Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migrations (PRM) with additional co-funding and programming support from the Dutch Council for Refugees.

Within the framework of the 24-month project, Refugee Rights Turkey shall provide extensive legal information, counselling and assistance services and carry out protection interventions for both Syrian and non-Syrian protection seekers around Turkey; generate written information materials and reference resources for asylum seekers, lawyers and other service providers; organize specialization trainings and seminars for lawyers in collaboration with selected bar associations; contribute to the enhancement of coordination among NGO refugee service providers operating in different parts of Turkey; and offer field-based analysis and recommendations to Government counterparts on protection gaps and implementation shortcomings affecting refugees with a view to supporting Turkey’s transition to the new Law on Foreigners and International Protection.

Further details regarding the scope and content of the legal assistance and representation services that will be offered by Refugee Rights Turkey within the framework of the project as well as other project activities shall follow via our website and other public communication channels.

Refugee Rights Turkey’s American partner organization RSN is an American non-profit, based in New York, committed to carrying out capacity-building, awareness-raising and advocacy activities to bridge refugee rights work in Turkey and the United States. The two organizations undertake to maintain a close cooperation in the coming years to help strengthen the supply and quality of legal aid available to asylum seekers in Turkey.
