Refugee Law Training in Van

On February 10th Sunday RRT carried out a one-day specialization seminar for lawyers in the city of Van in Eastern Turkey, in collaboration with the provincial bar association. The training focused on legal concepts and procedural issues in refugee status determination.

The city of Van hosts sizeable Afghan and Iranian asylum seeker populations subject to the international protection procedure administered by the Directorate General for Migration Management (DGMM).The training aimed to equip lawyers on Van bar association’s legal aid roster with an advanced understanding of legal concepts and procedural tools used in refugee status determination, specifically definitions of persecution and serious harm, well-foundedness and credibility assessment and sources and standards pertaining to the use of country of origin information. In addition to theoretical presentations, the training also featured clinical discussions on effective use of appeal mechanisms in the context of negative international protection status decisions issued by DGMM.

The training was organized in the framework of a project implemented by RRT with the financial backing of US State Department Bureau for Population Refugees and Migration (PRM). RRT delivers refugee law trainings for lawyers all over Turkey with a particular interest to help strengthen the availability and quality of legal aid services to asylum seekers and detained migrants undergoing expulsion proceedings.
