As Refugee Rights Turkey, we organized a specialization seminar titled “Rights of the Asylum Seekers that Seeking Protection in Türkiye in the Light of the Judicial Decisions” in Istanbul on 1-2 March 2024. Over 40 representatives from 21 different bar associations and 8 different institutions in Türkiye had attended the seminar.
First day of the seminar had started with registration and opening speeches, and we had the opportunity to examine the selection of court decisions on child protection, international protection, temporary protection, deportation, and administrative detention in the context of asylum law, with the sessions titled ” Unaccompanied Minors’ Access to Justice and the Judicial Decisions”, “International Protection in the Light of the Judicial Decisions”, “Temporary Protection in the Light of Judicial Decisions” and the decisions of the Constitutional Court, European Court of Human Rights and United Nations Committees.
Second day of the seminar had started with the session titled “Deportation Procedures in the Light of the Judicial Decisions” which was followed by another session titled “Administrative Detention and Alternative Measures in the Light of Judicial Decisions”. The topics were discussed in depth with the experts’ presentations from the Refugee Rights Turkey and with the valuable contributions of the participants who were the experts in their fields.
As Refugee Rights Turkey, we have been carrying out various activities based on our observations on the different decisions of the competent administrative and judicial authorities in different provinces that bar associations and civil society organizations -which make valuable efforts for asylum-seekers to access their rights- face, and that the lack of uniformity in judicial decisions create a critical need in terms of both predictability and the supply of legal support as well as the improvement of the quality of local jurisprudence. In this context, our association has recently selected positive court decisions regarding the cases followed within the scope of our association’s activities available through the Case Law Database, and through the Asylum Law Bulletin which additionally compiles and shares the European Court of Human Rights’ judgments and United Nations Committees’ decisions on a monthly basis.
This event was organized by Refugee Rights Turkey with the support of the US Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM). The content of the event was prepared by Refugee Rights Turkey and does not necessarily reflect the views of the US Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM).