As of March 2017, Refugee Rights Turkey launches and prints updated new versions of the comprehensive legal information materials for Syrian asylum seekers in Turkey, first published in February 2016. The brochures are made available in Arabic, Turkish and English.
The 4-piece set of information booklets focus on registration for temporary protection and rights associated, access to healthcare, access to education and access to legal employment respectively. The materials are meant for persons subject to Turkey’s temporary protection policy in place for refugees from Syria as well as lawyers and NGO practitioners that work with Syrian refugees. The currently re-launched updated versions integrate changes in legislation and implementation since the original launch of the materials last year.
Our newly updated legal information materials for Syrian refugees can be accessed via the Publications section of our website. Print versions are intended for wide dissemination among refugee communities, NGOs and bar associations around Turkey. To request copies for dissemination by your bar association or NGO, please get in touch with us at: [email protected]